In 2023, Smartex published the first-ever Modern Textile Factory (MTF) Report, pulling together insights from...
The next-generation TC 30i carding machine captured imaginations at the ITMA 2023. This innovative card...
At the turn of the year, the Polymer Processing Solutions Division of the Swiss Oerlikon...
Experts from the flooring industry will meet from 11-14 January 2024 at the international Domotex...
The acquisition of the Turkish-based company will strengthen Smartex’s global presence and product capabilities. Smartex...
CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, has launched a new initiative to support...
The credibility of any organization is dependent on the performance and the attitude of the...
Neumuenster, Germany / Palazzo Pignano (CR), Porcari Lucca (LU), Italy, October 11, 2021 – Oerlikon...
İsviçreli dokuma makinesi üreticileri, yeni uygulamada geliştiricide ön saflarda yer alıyorlar. Shoes and electronic calculators...
Society has become increasingly aware that certain chemicals are extremely damaging to human health and...